Coach, bodybuilder, scientist.

Dr Layne Norton aka Biolayne. One of my top 10 influencers.

I used to hate this guy, and that’s because he was doing things that I wanted to do but didn’t have the courage to. It turns out, Dr Layne Norton was a bit jealous of me when he first saw me on Mtv True Life. As we realize, being a “hater” is all about being jealous and that is something that comes from insecurities, and some form of fear.

Layne is humble, passionate, practical, and keeps it real. He relies on integrity and a never quit mentality which is why he dominates everything he sets his mind to.
You can catch some of Layne’s articles in Muscular Development, Planet Muscle, Ironman, Fitness and Physique, and Natural Bodybuilding and Fitness.

It was a pleasure to catch up with Layne, and we will soon do it again. Some topics we discussed include:

1:51:  Layne Explains the NAPF and how he tied the world record at the Arnold Classic

6:56:  Mtv True Life, jealousy and how I hated biolayne

9:30:  The Fear of rejection, and the fear of success, will paralyze you

11:23: Flexible Dieting – If it fits your macros

18:05: Anthony’s original guru – Nick Depalma

19:45: Layne gets his start by working with The Diet Doc- Dr. Joe Klemzweski

23:30: Cleveland Thomas and the failed drug test controversy

32:25: Doug Miller – Natty or not?

37:00: Genetics matter and how Layne went from squatting 400 lbs. to 661 lbs.

42:15: Staying healthy with stretching, foam rolling and mobility work

48:45: Body Fat overshooting from roller coaster dieting

52:00 Self Control is key – Kori Propst

54:00: Layne’s practical approach to figuring out metabolic rate

59:00: The Missing piece in the trillion dollar industry of health and fitness

1:09:00: Layne hosts the Olympia with Ronnie Coleman and Lou Ferrigno

1:11:00 Layne makes it to the big screen with Generation Iron

1:15:00: Keeping up with Layne

1: 23:54: Closing notes- You cant fake passion

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